Welcome to Case me a Christmas Card for 2020 - a slight variation on my annual Challenge me a Christmas Card blog series!
October to December, I will link to a series of guest cardmakers on my
blog. I will CASE one of their cards, and they will CASE one of mine!
CASE stands for Copy And Share Everything - but it's not about just
copying a card. It's about getting inspiration from cardmaking friends,
but making a new card that is our own. And, of course, the card we each
make has to be a Christmas card!
Today, my guest is Anita Bowden. I have CASEd one of her cards that you can check out HERE.
All of the products I used are linked below :)
This is the card I Cased:
Anita also did a Case of one of my cards - you can find it HERE.
Ardyth came up with a genius acronym to help you make a Case of a card without making a direct copy of it - LIMES. I am going to be using this acronym for all my Cases from now on:
List: curved angle patterned panel, flowers, black sentiment above panel, stitched panel, stamping over masksInclude: flowers, curved angled panel, black sentiment
Modify: coloured panel, curved sentiment below panel
Exclude: stitched panel, coloured stamping over masks
Thanks for visiting :)

Oh Michelle, this is gorgeous. The soft shades of red, pink and green you used are so pretty. Thanks so much for inviting me to join you again this year, and for being inspired by one of my cards xx